

Board Certified Podiatrists Foot & Ankle Surgeons located in Hackettstown, NJ

Pediatrics services offered in Hackettstown, NJ

If your child has foot or ankle pain, pediatrics can identify the source and make treatment recommendations. At A&A Foot and Ankle Specialists, LLC, in Hackettstown, New Jersey, board-certified podiatrists and foot and ankle surgeons An Nguyen, DPM, and Anna Wojcik-Stepien, DPM, specialize in diagnosing and treating various pediatric foot problems, including flat feet, plantar warts, and ingrown toenails. Call the office today to schedule pediatric treatment for your child, or book an appointment online.

What is pediatrics?

Pediatrics is a podiatry subspecialty that diagnoses and treats foot and ankle problems in children and teens. 

Almost all kids experience foot and ankle pain occasionally. Their bodies grow rapidly and they tend to be more active than adults, making them more susceptible to injury. 

What types of foot and ankle issues do pediatrics treat?

A&A Foot and Ankle Specialists, LLC, uses pediatrics to diagnose and treat various foot and ankle issues, including:

Flat feet deformity

All children have flat feet at birth, but the arches typically develop by age 6 or 7. About 1 in 5 kids never forms arches, resulting in flat feet. 

Flat feet don’t always cause problems, but they result in chronic pain and mobility issues for some kids. Your child’s podiatrist can make patient-oriented treatment recommendations that provide lasting relief. 

Infected ingrown toenails

If your child’s toenail grows into their skin instead of away from their toe, it may become infected. Signs of ingrown toenails include redness, sensitivity, and swelling around the affected toe. Treatment at A&A Foot and Ankle Specialists, LLC, can prevent more serious complications, including gangrene.

Plantar warts 

Plantar warts are small, hard growths that form on the weight-bearing areas of your child’s feet. They’re the result of the human papillomavirus (HPV) and commonly affect teens. 

Your child’s podiatrist can remove their warts in-office or prescribe topical medications for at-home use.

Heel pain

Many active children experience heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis (a common overuse injury) or heel spurs. Your child’s podiatrist can identify the cause of their heel pain and make recommendations to keep it from worsening.

How are pediatric foot problems treated?

A&A Foot and Ankle Specialists, LLC, takes a conservative approach to pediatric foot problems. They may recommend:

  • Physical therapy
  • Custom orthotics
  • Wearing more comfortable, supportive shoes
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Cryotherapy to remove plantar warts
  • A splint to prevent toenails from growing into the skin
  • Routine podiatry exams

If your child’s symptoms continue or worsen, surgery might be necessary. The providers are board-certified foot and ankle surgeons trained in performing both minimally invasive and traditional surgery.

Call A&A Foot and Ankle Specialists, LLC, today to make a pediatric appointment for your child, or book online.